Welcome to my web site.
There's lots of extraordinary and interesting subjects out there to intrigue my eye, my brain and my finger to make a photograph.
To share my images, I've put some of them into into albums: click on one of the thumbnails on the right where you can look at each image in any album. A further click will enlarge the photograph.
All my images are for sale. If you would like to buy copies or prints please contact me.
I hope you enjoy looking at these photographs as much as I've enjoyed making them. I'd love to hear your comments.
There's lots of extraordinary and interesting subjects out there to intrigue my eye, my brain and my finger to make a photograph.
To share my images, I've put some of them into into albums: click on one of the thumbnails on the right where you can look at each image in any album. A further click will enlarge the photograph.
All my images are for sale. If you would like to buy copies or prints please contact me.
I hope you enjoy looking at these photographs as much as I've enjoyed making them. I'd love to hear your comments.